Hi everyone , welcome to you on my blog, today i share for you an article on of good advisting for your gaming servers. You must put you the question ? How can i have an good server gaming installation for playing with my friends online.
What is it an gaming server and why to choice that solution for playing.
Cloud gaming is a technology for playing video games in online streaming on any screen. As tech giants are about to launch their services like google stadia and microsoft xcloud, find out everything you need to know about this new technology… in the same way, orders entered by the player are directly transmitted to the provider’s servers.
This allows you to play a video game with the graphics on any device with a screen and connected to the web. The concept of cloud gaming is not new. As early as 2010, onlive launched its service.

However, until now, technical imperatives prevented such services from working properly. Users’ internet connections were too slow and unstable, causing significant latency issues and totally ruining the experience. Performance A game server needs to nest processors with excellent performance if you want your gaming experience to be optimal.
In order to achieve this goal, it is recommended to make sure that your server is equipped with a sufficient ram and that it has the disk (sata or ssd) adapted to your needs. In order to be able to play online in good conditions, the bandwidth is a key element to take into consideration when choosing your game server.
So make sure you choose a hardware that provides bandwidth in a holistic way to guarantee a stable connection. A computer server is a computer device (hardware and software) that guarantees services to one or more clients (sometimes hundreds). The most used services are: access to information from the world wide web; e-mail; peripherals (printers, hard drives, etc.); e-commerce; database overflow; the pace of authentication and access monitoring material; gaming and the use of application software.
In operation, a server automatically responds to requests from other computing devices (subjects), according to the client-server principle. The format of requests and results is standardized, conforms to network protocols and each service can be used by any client that implements the techniques intended for this service.
The servers are used by contractors, institutions and telecommunication operators. They are common in data processing centers and the Internet.
The tools for talk with your gaming team
Mumble is a free voice-over-ip (voip) software, whose main use is communication during network games. Mumble has a system of customizable and easily modifiable skins. They are written in css and with simple photography (often png).
There is already a large mass of appearances on the web, especially from clans or game teams. Some of them significantly modify the design, changing the contrast (dark background and light text), the whole software (menus, configuration & settings windows), icons, etc…
Mumble? What is Mumble?
Mumble is a voice (and text) chat application, otherwise known as voip software. It was originally developed for use in video games, and for this reason is optimized for that purpose. However, this optimization benefits all other uses, including “classic” chat.
Among similar software, we can mention the famous skype, although these two softwares differ on their working principle. Advantages and disadvantages among its qualities, we can note the following points.
Mumble allows a discussion with an extremely low latency, even on a very light network. Moreover, mumble allows discussions in high sound quality, which cannot be unpleasant.